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Our Cask Ales


Our Cask Ales

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Ale is at the heart of any English Pub, and we pride ourselves on the quality and range of our traditional cask ales, reflected in the fact that we have been featured in every edition of the CAMRA Good Beer Guide since 1989. We stock at least six real ales on hand pump at any given time, providing a wide choice for the connoisseur of British beer


Unlike many other real ale pubs, we don't constantly change our beer range. We believe in quality and stability, stocking the best, rather than constantly trying out different beers only to find a few days later it's not made any longer or the brewery has gone never to return.



Our core range of Ales are listed below




Goacher,s Fine Light Ale

A pale amber light bitter with a rewarding floral hop character from WGV and East Kent Golding Hops. From Goacher's Brewery, Maidstone, Kent.


Adnams Southwold Bitter 3.7%Abv

A beautiful copper-coloured beer, late and dry-hopped with Fuggles for a distinctive, lingering hoppiness.From Adnams Brewery, Southwold, Suffolk



Harveys Best Abv 4.0%

A superbly balanced bitter with prominent hop character. Finest Maris Otter malted barley is supplemented with a dash of Crystal malt for balance. The hops are a blend of four different local varieties, to give a distinctive hoppy finis, From Lewes in Sussex



Shepherd Neame Masterbrew 3.7%

A quintessentially Kentish auburn - amber  ale with Kentish hops on a biscuity bed of pale and crystal malt. From Faversham in Kent



Goachers Real Mild 3.4%

A full-flavoured dark mild brewed with chocolate and black malts and hopped with Kent Fuggles.

From  Goachers Brewery, Maidstoine, Kent



Adnams Broadside 4.7%

Brewed with Pale Ale and Chocolate malt and First Gold hops, Broadside is a dark ruby red beer rich in fruitcake aromas, almonds and conserved fruit.


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